Notes (broadsheet vs Tabliod)
Broadsheets vs. tabloid: Newspapers can commonly be defined as either broadsheet or tabloid in a few instances, some newspapers belong to neither the broadsheet or tabloid category, but can be refereed to as Berliners or compact newspapers. The Times, the I and the guardian are examples of compact newspapers as they are tabloid size but hold broadsheet content. Tabloids: They have less text more pictures It's mainly target is less educated people It's not always about politics and it has different variety of stuff on the newspaper. Especially adverts Broadsheets: They have more text and less pictures It's mainly target is less educated people It's mainly talking about politics and depending on the newspaper its either right wing or left wing Conventions of a newspaper: Adverts and incentives: P aid advertisements that have been incorporated into the newspaper often to encourage the audience to purchase the newspaper. Headlines: Largest pieces of text...